Philips TW0200 User Manual

Page 36

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5. Fresnel zone: -
No. of concentric ellipsoid revolutions which defines volumes in radiation pattern of

ircular aperture and it is due to diffraction by circular aperture

ar in cross section and concentric

near the path of radio beam.

TR – Direct path and TAR –

ary transmission path

eflection of M/W energy from A.

in radio system

fading / Slow fading: - It is due to multipath propagation

of transmitted signal that have experiences due to diffraction,

tion, delay and phase shift while traveling from the source to receiver.

attenuation of single signal. It refers to the time variation of received


le antenna.

margin or sensitivity to accommodate expected

ality. It is margin by which Rx level may be

ce to fall below a specific value.

l continue to work till -80 dBm. It means fade

7. X- PIC: - Cross polarization interference cancellers: -

limited frequency spectrum

can cause the

eters which is called cross

ipath propagation, antenna

n received

eceive of M1

ow let M2 channel transmit the power, measure receive power at station B of M1

hannel again so

PD will be difference of these two readings.
PD: - Both received signals are decoupled by XPD of antenna at the receiving end.

The first zone is circular; sub second zones are annul
with first.
This zone concept is used to analyze interference by obstacle

by r

Hilly Terrain

6. Fading: -
It is a distortion in micro media and introduces errors
There are two types of fading: -

1. Slow (shadow) fading: - It is on large scale due to movements of mobile or

obstruction within propagation environment.

2. Past fading/ Multipath

by superimposition
in attenua
This is by
signal caused by changes in transmission media. It occurs with small mov
of mobile obstacle.
Remedy: - Diversity through multip

Fade Margin: - There should be sufficient
fading to achieve the requisite system qu
reduced without causing system performan
e.g. let Rx level -40 dBm and system wil
margin is 40 dB

Frequency reuse technique is adopted in micro system due to
a microwave signal is transmitted to both vertical and horizontal feeds and are coupled, in
the antenna. These two vertical and horizontal polarized signals
interference due to cross polarization, due to rain or hydrom
polarization interference the reasons are rain, hydro, mult
characteristics the cross pick use to cancel the effect of XPD of both signal i
E.g. now station A transmit power on M1 channel measure at station B on r