Troubleshooting – Polaris Sprotsman 700 User Manual
Page 137

Clutch Drive Belt & Cover Related Issues: Diagnosis
Possible Causes
Solutions/What to do
Loading the ATV into a pick-
up or tall trailer when in high
Shift transmission to low range during
loading of the ATV to prevent belt burn-
Starting out going up a
steep incline.
When starting out on an incline, use
low range, or dismount the ATV after
first applying the park brake and per-
form the “K” turn as described on page
77 of this manual.
Driving at low RPM or low
ground speed (at approxi-
mately 3-7 MPH).
Drive at higher speed or use Low
Range. The use of Low Range is high-
ly recommended for cooler PVT oper-
ating temperatures and longer compo-
nent life.
Insufficient warm-up of
ATVs exposed to low ambi-
ent temperatures.
Warm engine at least 5 min., then with
transmission in neutral, advance
throttle to approx. 1/8 throttle in short
bursts, 5 to 7 times. The belt will be-
come more flexible and prevent belt
Slow and easy clutch en-
Fast, effective use of the throttle for
efficient engagement.
Towing/Pushing at low
RPM/low ground speed.
Use Low Range only.
Plowing snow, dirt, etc./util-
ity use.
Use Low Range only.
Stuck in mud or snow.
Shift the transmission to Low Range,
carefully use fast, aggressive throttle
application to engage clutch. WARN-
ING: Excessive throttle may cause
loss of control and vehicle overturn.