Paradyne 3920PLUS User Manual

Page 283

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COMSPHERE 392xPlus Modems


November 1996



data access arrangement, 1-2
data compression, 4-59
data rates. See rates
DATAKIT, 4-16, 4-38, 4-41
DataStream, 3-37
default configuration options, 2-11–2-12, 4-2, F-2–F-7
diagnostic control panel (DCP)

configurations. See configuration options
description, 1-5–1-6, 3-2–3-3
menu tree, 3-9, 3-10, A-1–A-3
messages, 3-11–3-16, 3-18–3-19, 3-27–3-28
operation, 2-12, 3-7–3-9, 4-4–4-7, 6-7
status indicators (LEDs), 3-3–3-6

diagnostic tests. See Test branch

access security. See Security
answering a call

auto-answer, 3-74, 4-19, 4-46
manual answer, 3-68, 3-75, 4-19, 4-46

backup, 2-5–2-6, 3-41–3-42, 3-65, 3-68–3-69, B-2
command modifiers, 3-72, 5-6
DCP controlled, 3-65–3-73
manual dial. See Talk/Data
network connection, B-4–B-5
stored telephone number, 3-70–3-73, 5-13

Dial Line configuration options group, 4-22, 4-50
digital bridge, 1-9, 1-10

sample configuration, G-16

digital loopback, 3-58–3-59, 3-60–3-61
dimensions, 1-14
directory, telephone number, 3-70–3-73
disconnecting a call, 3-67
Download Software, 3-42–3-49

connection, 2-4–2-6, B-3
status, 3-3–3-6, 3-24

DTE Bridge. See digital bridging
DTE Dialer configuration options group, 4-41
DTE Interface configuration options group, 4-10, 4-33
dual leased-line operation. See backup, leased



cable connection, 2-4–2-6, B-3
pin assignments, C-2
status, 3-3–3-6, 3-24

end-to-end pattern test, 3-62
environment, 1-13

customer supplied, 2-2
list, 2-1–2-2

error control, 4-58
escape character ( + + + ), 4-42, 5-2, 5-16


faceplate, 1-5, 1-6, 3-3
factory default configurations, 2-11, 4-2, F-2–F-7
features, 1-7–1-8
firmware part number (FPt #), 3-23
firmware revision level (FRev), 3-23
firmware upgrades/download, 3-42–3-49
flow control, 4-60, 4-61
front panel. See diagnostic control panel
function keys, 3-7, 3-9, 4-7


government requirements

Canada, 1-12
United States, 1-11–1-12


handshaking sequence, 3-74, 3-75
hang up, 3-67
hardware part number (HPt #), 3-23
HDLC, 4-41, D-1
Health and Status definitions, 3-18–3-19, 3-27–3-28


Identity, 3-23
indicators, status (LEDs), 3-3–3-6

Model 3920Plus, 2-3–2-12
Model 3921Plus, 2-6–2-10


keypad, 3-8–3-9


LCD (liquid crystal display)

description, 3-2, 3-7–3-8
menu structure, 3-10
messages, 3-11–3-16, 3-18–3-19, 3-27–3-28

leased backup operation. See backup, leased
Leased Line configuration options group, 4-24, 4-53
leased-line connection, 2-5–2-6
leased-line operation, 4-24–4-26, 4-53–4-57, B-2
LEDs (status indicators), 3-3–3-6
line connection

dial, 2-5–2-6
leased, 2-5–2-6

Line Dialer configuration options group, 4-19, 4-46

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