Replacement guidance – Panasonic MDDDT5540 User Manual
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E q u i p m e n t
A m p l i f i e r
M o t o r
Standard replacement
cycles (hour)
about 5 years
about 5 years
3 to 5 years
(20 to 30 thousand hours)
5 0 0 0 h o u r s
3 to 5 years
(20 to 30 thousand hours)
Replacement Guidance
Parts replacement cycles depend on the actual operating conditions and how the
equipment has been used. Defective parts should be replaced or repaired immediately.
P r o h i b i t e d
Dismantling for inspections or repairs should be done by our
company (or our sales agents).
R e m a r k s
The replacement cycles shown here
are just only for reference. If any part
is found defective regardless of the
standard replacement cycles, im-
mediately replace it with a new one.
P a r t
Smoothing condenser
A l u m i n u m e l e c -
t r o l y t i c c a p a c i -
t o r o n t h e p r i n t
B e a r i n g
Oil seal