PreSonus FireBox User Manual
Page 22

4 . 2 O P E R A T I O N O F M I X E R
The silver tracks represent the six possible inputs from the FIREBOX as well as
the software playback. The blue section contains information on the output of the
Each input has the following functions:
Pan (green vertical line.) You can click-drag the pan (stereo
image) of each input by moving the green vertical line to the
left or right. Double clicking on the green line will reset the
pan to the center. Holding down ALT or CTRL, or SHIFT
while dragging PAN, puts PAN into fine mode for more
accurate adjustment of PAN.
Level (fader) – Adjusts the input level of each input. Double
clicking on the blue fader automatically sets the fader to full
Solo – by pressing Solo, all other input channels are muted.
Mute – Mutes input channel.
Link – links the input gain of adjacent channels.
If the two channels do not have the same level
when the link button is pressed, clicking on one
of the faders will send the other input level to the
same level as the channel that was clicked on.