Caution – PB Heat DE User Manual
Page 10

6. Install this boiler so that the gas ignition system
components are protected from water (dripping,
spraying, etc.) during appliance operation and
service (circulator replacement, condensate trap,
control replacements, etc.).
7. If this boiler and distribution system is used in
conjunction with a refrigeration system, pipe the
chilled medium in parallel with the boiler and install
the proper valve to prevent the chilled medium from
entering the boiler. A drawing illustrating this hook-
up is provided in Figure 3.2.
8. When the boiler is connected to heating coils located
in air handling units where they may be exposed to
refrigerated air circulation, install flow control valves
or other automatic means to prevent gravity
circulation of the boiler water during the cooling
9. If this boiler is installed above radiation level,
provide a low water cutoff device, either as a part of
the boiler or at the time of boiler installation.
1. Locate safety relief valve and fittings in bag
2. If air elimination is not required at the safety relief
valve tapping, install valve and piping as shown in
Figure 3.3.
3. For air elimination at the safety relief valve tapping,
install valve and piping as shown in Figure 3.4.
Pipe the discharge of safety relief valve to prevent
injury in the event of pressure relief. Pipe the
discharge to a drain. Provide piping that is the same
size as the safety relief valve outlet.
Figure 3.4:
Safety Relief Valve Hook-Up with
Air Elimination
Figure 3.3:
Safety Relief Valve Hook-Up
Installation with Air Elimination in
System Piping
Figure 3.2:
Parallel Hook-up with Water Chiller