Ab c – Precor S3.15 User Manual
Page 13

S3.15 Assembly and Maintenance Guide
page 13
Step 4. Assemble Weight Stack
4. Assemble Weight Stack
Important: Obtain adult assistance before installing
the Guide Rods and Weights.
A. Place the Guide Rods into the two outside holes in
the Main Base.
CAUTION: The lubricant on the Guide Rods can
stain clothes. Wear proper attire when working
with or lubricating the Guide Rods.
B. Place one Guide Rod Spacer and one Weight
Cushion on each Guide Rod and allow it to slide
down and rest on the Main Base.
Note: Guide Rod Spacers do not need to be
installed if the Heavy Stack Option is purchased
through your dealer.
C. Add the 10-lb weights. For ease of weight pin
placement and use, orient the curve on the weight
plate to the desired side of the unit. Position the
weight plate so the plastic bushing is on top and
hold your finger over the plastic bushing to prevent
it from popping out.
CAUTION: The weights are heavy! Handle
the weights carefully so as not to drop them
or injure yourself. Pick up and place one
weight at a time on the Guide Rods. Do not
angle the Guide Rods to such a degree that
they dislodge the Guide Rod Spacers or
Weight Cushions. Have someone hold the
Guide Rods in place while you slide the
weights on the stack.
Guide Rod
Guide Rod Spacers
(Do not install spacers if you
purchased the Heavy Stack Option.)