Planet Technology 802.11g Wireless ADSL 2/2+ Router ADW-4401A/Bv2 User Manual

Page 57

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American Wire Gauge - The measurement of thickness of a wire

A device connects two or more physical networks and forward packets between them.
Bridges can usually be made to filter packets, that is, to forward only certain traffic.
Related devices are repeaters which simply forward electrical signals from one cable
to the other and full-fledged routers which make routing decisions based on several

Characteristic of any network multiplexes independent network carriers onto a single
cable. Broadband technology allows several networks to coexist on one single cable;
traffic from one network does not interfere with traffic from another. Broadcast a
packet delivery system where a copy of a given packet is given to all hosts attached to
the network. Example: Ethernet.

Central Office. Refers to equipment located at a Telco or service provider's office.

Customer Premises Equipment located in a user's premises

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
DHCP is software that automatically assigns IP addresses to client stations logging
onto a TCP/IP network. DHCP eliminates having to manually assign permanent IP
addresses to every device on your network. DHCP software typically runs in servers
and is also found in network devices such as Routers.

Discrete Multi-Tone frequency signal modulation

Downstream rate
The line rate for return messages or data transfers from the network machine to the
user's premises machine.

Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplex