Copyright statement, Trademarks statement, Warranty, trademark, & compliance information – Patton electronic SMARTNODE 5400 User Manual

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SmartNode 5400 Series Quick Start Guide

EN55022, Class A


Safety Compliance:

IEC/EN 60950-1, 2nd edition

PSTN Regulatory Compliance:

This device is not intended nor approved for connection to the PSTN

B.2 CE Declaration of Conformity

Patton Electronics, Inc declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other rele-
vant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The Declaration of Conformity may be obtained from Patton Electron-
ics, Inc. at


The safety advice in the documentation accompanying this device shall be obeyed. The conformity to the above
directive is indicated by CE mark on the device.

B.3 Authorized European Representative

D R M Green
European Compliance Services Limited.
Avalon House, Marcham Road
Abingdon,Oxon OX14 1UD, UK

Copyright statement

Copyright © 2012, Patton Electronics Company. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Patton Electronics assumes no
liability for errors that may appear in this document.

Trademarks statement

The term SmartNode is a trademark of Patton Electronics Company. All other trademarks presented in this docu-
ment are the property of their respective owners.

Warranty, Trademark, & Compliance Information

For warranty, trademark and compliance information, refer to the SmartNode 5400 User Manual located online
