Paxar 9430RX User Manual
Page 47

B-4 Modifying Standard Fonts
L o a d i n g N e w C h a r a c t e r s
This step allows you to load the new characters at a particular position in the
Starts the command language.
Load character command. Loads a character at a
particular position. Enter D.
Character Set and Font options:
0 PC Line-Draw characters (Large Normal
and Standard Bold)
Extended PC Line-Draw and International
Fonts (Large Normal, Standard Bold, and
1 PC Line-Draw Fonts (Standard Normal)
Extended PC Line-Draw and International
Fonts (Large Rotated, Reduced Bold, and
2 PC Line-Draw Fonts (Reduced Bold and
The hex character code for the new character:
21 hex – 7F hex (PC Line-Draw) or
80 hex – FF hex (Extended PC Line-Draw and
The hex data from the matrix describing the new
character (see “Defining New Characters”).
S a v i n g M o d i f i e d F o n t s
To save the modified font into flash memory, use ESC D FF hex. The printer
sends a ‘D’ character and then performs the save. When the fonts have been
saved, the printer sends a ‘!’ character to the host. Then, it sends an ‘X’
character every 500 milliseconds.
Next, remove the battery and wait several seconds before replacing it.