Staying in touch with the office – LapLink MN-LGD011-XX-US User Manual

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Staying in touch with the office


hether you’re in a hotel on the road, at home on a Saturday, or with you laptop practically anywhere,

LapLink Gold Corporate lets you use whatever connection you have to get access to everything you
need. LapLink Gold Corporate supports connecting via modem, a network, a network server, the Internet
and more. You determine how to connect by considering your office setup and what you want to
accomplish when you are connected, and LapLink Gold helps you to get it done.

Connecting to the office requires that your home computer
be able to connect to other computers, and LapLink Gold
supports a variety of connection methods. It must also be
running LapLink.
Depending on the type of office netwrok and its firewall pro-
tection, you can then make any or all of these kinds of con-
• To your office computer directly via modem.
• To your office computer through the office network

VPN, via the internet.

• To your office computer through the Internet.

Connecting directly to your office computer

If your home computer is equipped with a modem or other
internet connection, you can connect to the office computer
Leave LapLink Gold running when you leave the office, and
make sure you are connected , either by modem or other
method. Then connect from home, and run programs and
transfer files as you would normally.
If your office computer is attached to a network, you can
read your e-mail and access the customary network
resources, though you cannot connect to other computers
on the network.

Connecting to the office network

If your office has a network, you can connect to the network
via a VPN or other methods, and then to any computer run-
ning LapLink Gold on the network, including your own.
Using the Remote Control service, you can access any net-
work resources normally available to you from the office.
To connect to the office network, simply dial in to a dedi-
cated network dial-up server using Dial-up Networking, use
VPN or other connection methods.

Connecting over the Internet

You can also use LapLink Gold to connect to another
LapLink Gold computer using a LapLink Everywhere con-
nection. LapLink Everywhere is a subscription service,
allowing you to connect in many ways. But your LapLink
Everywhere account also serves as a connnection service
between LapLink Gold computers. This type of connection
gives you the full range of LapLink Gold features from any
internet connection. To learn more about about LapLink
Everywhere, go to

See “Connecting Over the Internet Using

Laplink Everywhere” on page 31.

Most workstations now have direct Internet access over
dedicated, high-speed connections. If your office computer
is one of these—and you have Internet access from your
home computer or your laptop—you can connect to the
office using Connect over Internet. If this connection