General tips for faster transfers, Tips for transfers over a serial cable, Tips for transfers over modems – LapLink MN-LGD011-XX-US User Manual
Page 159: Tips for transfers over a network, Tips for smartxchange

this box: Always Start LapLink before Windows Logon
General tips for faster transfers
Follow these suggestions to improve transfer speeds:
Check the folders and files you have selected for trans-
fer, making sure that you are not including more than
necessary. For example, have you selected an entire
folder when you want to transfer only a few files within
the folder?
Use SpeedSync to improve file transfer times when
updating files, particularly over modems: on the Perfor-
mance tab of File Transfer Options, make sure that the
Use SpeedSync on All File Transfers box is checked.
Disable any ports that are not in use: in Port Setup
(Options menu), click an unused port, and then clear
the Enable Port box.
Close other service windows and any connections to
other computers you may have opened in LapLink.
On laptop computers, disable power management
functions. Attach the AC adapter to the computer to
ensure steady voltage throughout the transfer.
Disable screen savers, and close other programs.
Serial cables transfer at 0.4mb/s, while the LapLink
Gold USB cable can transfer at up to 5 mb/s.
Tips for transfers over a serial cable
Ensure that the serial port is configured for maximum
speed: in Port Setup (Options menu), click the appropri-
ate COM port; click Configure; and ensure that Port
Speed is set at 115200.
Change the transfer mode to standard: in Port Setup
(Options menu), click the appropriate COM port; click
Configure; and click Standard under Transfer Mode.
Tips for transfers over modems
Consult the documentation for your modem and verify that
the port speed is set for optimum performance: In Port Setup
(Options menu), click Windows Modems. Click Configure,
and click the modem you are using. Click Properties. In the
Maximum Speed list on the General tab, click the maximum
speed your modem can use.
Tips for transfers over a network
Transfer your files when there is less traffic on the net-
Ask your system administrator to verify that the network
drivers are current.
Tips for SmartXchange
Use SmartXchange to update files in two folders so that the
folders share the latest files. Since SmartXchange always
overwrites older files, do not use it if you want to merge the
contents of two files. Use SmartXchange by opening the two
folders you want to update; do not select the individual files.
After clicking SmartXchange (SyncTools menu), verify that
you have opened the right folders. If you do not want to add
new files to either folder, check this box: Transfer Only If
Files Are Already on Target.
Ensure that you have read access rights to network files
you want to copy
If you can locate the files you want to copy but then are de-
nied access when you attempt to copy them, contact the net-
work administrator. You can copy only files to which you
have been assigned read access.