LapLink MN-LGD011-XX-US User Manual

Page 119

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. . . Previewing and running an Xchange Agent


Put skipped pairs back into a

synchronization Click a skipped pair and then click
the Undo Skip button on the toolbar.

Resolve conflicts Click a pair showing a conflict icon,

click the Resolve Conflict button on the toolbar, and
specify how you want the conflict resolved. For more
information about resolving conflicts, see

page 126


NOTE In a preview, arrows indicate the direction in which
files will be copied, and thus which files will be overwritten.
Special icons indicate conflicts between files.
CAUTION Once you have resolved conflicts or marked
pairs to be skipped, run the agent before closing the pre-
Your modifications will be lost otherwise.
TIP To select every pair of folders and files in the agent,
click Select All on the Edit menu.
TIP To locate a pair with a conflict, click the Next Conflict
button on the toolbar.
To close a preview:
• Click the Close Preview button on the toolbar. You are

now in edit mode.

TIP While in edit mode you can customize an agent in
several ways. For more information see

page 128


Running an Xchange Agent

There are several ways to run a saved Xchange Agent:
• Double-click the agent’s shortcut icon on the desktop.

To create a shortcut icon for an open agent, click Create
Desktop Shortcut on the File menu.

• Schedule the agent to run at an appointed time. For

more information see

page 132


• Run the agent from within LapLink: Click Run Xchange

Agent on the SyncTools menu. Then click the name of
the agent file and click Open.

• Run an agent you have opened in Xchange Agent: click

the Run button on the toolbar.

• In Windows Explorer, double-click the agent file. By

default, agent files have .LLX extensions, and are
saved to the ‘My Documents’ folder.

Once an agent finishes synchronizing files, the connection
to the host computer is closed. If LapLink was not running to
begin with on the guest computer, it is shut down automati-
TIP For a record of your latest synchronizations, refer to
the LapLink log file: on the Options menu, click Logging.