Lanier 5485 User Manual
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Page 2 of CP-339
Information on this data sheet represents our current data and best opinion as to the proper use in handling of this product under normal conditions.
On the basis of the data available to us, this product is not a dangerous substance. One should, however, observe the usual precautionary measures
for dealing with chemicals.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Spill / leak Procedures: If spilled, sweep up using an approved toner vacuum with a 0.5 micron filter or smaller, such as the Atrix AAA Toner
Vacuum or 3M Toner Vacuum. Use of a vacuum cleaner not rated for toner particles, could result in a fire or personal injury. Remove residue
with soap and cold water.
Miscellaneous: Keep product out of sewers and watercourses.
Personal protection: Avoid inhalation of dust.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Special Handling:
Cleanse skin after contact before breaks or meals, and end of workday.
Special Storage:
Avoid direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.
Section 8: Exposure Control and Personal Protection Information:
Respiratory Protection: none required under normal use. Hand Protection: none required under normal use.
Eye Protection: none required under normal use. Skin Protection: none required under normal use.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Melting point:
Vapor pressure:
Slight plastic odor
Vapor density:
Solubility in Water:
Evaporation rate:
Specific gravity:
Boiling point:
Bulk Density:
1.2 g/cm
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity
Conditions to avoid: none Materials to avoid: none Stability: Stable
Hazardous decomposition products: CO and CO2 and other decomposition products when burned.
Section 11: Toxicological Information:
Ames test negative
Acute oral toxicity: >5000mg/kg (rat)
Section 12: Environmental / Ecological Information
Acute toxicity to fish: >500 mg/kg/96hr.
Section 13: Disposal Consideration
Used Toner should be disposed of under conditions that meet all federal, state and local environmental regulations. Disposal regulations vary
from locality to locality, therefore consult your local Lanier office or the EPA to determine the proper method for disposal. Do not incinerate loose
or spilled Toner.
Section 14: Transportation Information
None. This is not a hazardous product.
Section 15: Regulatory Information
WHMIS Legislation (Canada): This is not a controlled product
UN No.:
None allocated
Section 16: Miscellaneous Information
Judgment as to the suitability of information contained herein for user’s purposes is the responsibility of the purchaser. Therefore, although
reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this information, Lanier Worldwide, Inc. extends no warranties, makes no representations,
and assumes no responsibility as to the accuracy or suitability of such information for application to user’s intended purposes or for