Lexmark N5 User Manual
N5 wireless adapter
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Introduction
- Setup
- Step1: Select a location for your printer adapter
- Step2: Unpack your printer adapter
- Step3: Prepare your printer
- Step4: Raise the printer adapter antenna
- Step5: Connect your printer adapter to your printer
- Step6: Connect your printer adapter power supply
- Step7: Make sure all indicator lights are on
- Step8: Turn on your computer
- Step9: Set up your printer adapter on the network
- Step10: Configure your network printer
- Troubleshooting
- An indicator light is not on
- The Lexmark Printer Adapter Installation Software screen does not appear
- I cannot find the network settings of my computer’s wireless adapter
- My MAC address is not listed on the Select your N5 Wireless Adapter screen
- My network is not listed on the Connect to the network (automatic) screen
- I do not know the hexadecimal format of my WEP key
- Setup was not successful (My printer was not found on the network)
- The Lexmark printer software installation screen does not appear
- An error message appears
- My network printer does not appear in the list of available printers
- There is not a Network button on the Results: No Printer Attached screen
- There is not an Install Selected Printer button on the Network Configuration screen
- My network printer does not print
- How Do I...?
- Change the computer’s network settings
- Change the printer adapter network settings
- Print a test page
- Uninstall the printer software
- Uninstall the Lexmark Printer Adapter Installation Software
- Manually configure the network printer
- Select the network printer port
- Check the printer status
- Specify a fixed IP address
- Reset the printer adapter
- Contact Lexmark
- Glossary