Liebert UPStation S VM18000 User Manual
Page 22

Input and output terminal blocks are provided on the back of the 8-12 kVA Liebert UPStation S™ as illustrated below. Conduit
can be landed on the rear or bottom of the UPS. Note that side, rear, front and top access is required for service on all Liebert
UPStation S™ product lines.
Input and output terminal blocks are provided on the back
of the 18 kVA UPS as illustrated above right. Conduit can
be landed on the rear or bottom of the UPS. Note that
side, rear front and top access is required for service on all
Liebert UPStation S™ product lines.
8-18 kVA Maintenance Bypass Connections
The 1512MBC and the 1518MBC maintenance bypass
have four basic connections: maintenance bypass input, to
UPS rectifier input, to UPS output and to critical load.
The input to the maintenance bypass comes from the
utility source to the system. There must be a breaker
feeding the system. Size the input feed breaker and
wiring as per NEC. The total current into the
maintenance bypass should not exceed 46A for the 8
kVA, 56A for the 10 kVA, 66A for the 12 kVA and
94.4A for the 18 kVA
It is recommended that the site wiring and overcurrent
protection be sized initially for 12 kVA if the UPS is an
8 or 10 kVA module.
Wire size range for TB5 terminal block is #10 to #22
AWG. Wire size range for TB1 through TB4 is #4 to
#8 AWG. Terminal blocks have box type lug
connections with slotted screw.