Lightolier Calculite Recessed Fluorescent Downlight A-E User Manual


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Auxiliary Lighting Systems For Temporary H.I.D. Lamp Outage

Job Information


Job Name:
Cat. No.:



a Genlyte Thomas Company

631 Airport Road, Fall River, MA 02720 • (508) 679-8131 • Fax (508) 674-4710
We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and finish.
© 2004 Genlyte Thomas Group LLC (Lightolier Division) • B0704

Auxiliary Lighting for Recessed HID Luminaires and Cylinders (A)

H.I.D. lamps require a “warm-up” period of 5 to 10 minutes to reach full output.
Additionally, when these lamps are extinguished they must cool for 5 to 15
minutes before they will relight. Outage can be caused by momentary power
failure, substantial voltage reduction or cycle changes.

To provide a minimum level of illumination, a double-contact bayonet socket and
solid-state switching device, (for use with a 120V tungsten-halogen lamp) operate
during initial H.I.D. lamp warm-up, or cold-off-and-restart period.

The tungsten-halogen lamp remains on until the HID lamp reaches approximately
60% of its light output.

Note: The auxiliary is not emergency lighting and will only operate when there is
power to the luminaire. The AUX system is available for magnetic ballast either
120V or 277V branch circuits with a ballast tap supplying 120V to the tungsten-
halogen lamp. 120V electronic ballast can be operated with 120V branch circuit.
For 277V, electronic, consult factory.

To specify: add suffix “A” to Catalog Number for Recessed H.I.D. Fixture.
See fixture specification sheets for compatibility.

Mode of Operation

Initial Start:
H.I.D. lamp and tungsten halogen lamp both energized. H.I.D.
lamp starts warming up; tungsten-halogen lamp at full output.

Partial Warm-Up:
H.I.D. lamp reaches approximately 60% light output; tungsten-
halogen lamp switched off.

Full Warm-Up:
H.I.D. lamps at 100% light output.

“Hot” Restart:
H.I.D. lamp and tungsten-halogen lamp both energized. H.I.D.
lamp too hot to start; tungsten-halogen lamp at full output. After
H.I.D. lamp cools down and starts, cycle begins as in “Initial
Start” above.

Maximum Tungsten-Halogen Lamp Wattage

HID Lamp

Tungsten-Halogen Lamp T-4, 120V

Double-Contact Bayonet

39W-70W T6


150W T6


39W-150W ED17, PAR






*Applicable for any reflector trim with “CL” finish.

Emergency Lighting for Recessed HID Luminaires (E)
A tungsten-halogen lampholder, (without the switching device) prewired with
#18AWG SF2 leads in a 5/16" x 26" long flexible greenfield cable, is provided
with the luminaire for attachment to an AC 60 cycle power supply. Power supply
by others.

To specify: add suffix “E” to Catalog Number for Recessed H.I.D. Fixture.
See fixture specification sheets for compatibility.