Using the clock – Lathem PayClock PC400TX User Manual

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PC400 Terminal Installation & User’s Guide - 15



Using the Clock

At the PC400/PC400TX series clocks, employees can punch in and out, transfer, enter
amounts, view messages and punch information. They can do this by swiping their badge
or by using the PIN entry feature. PIN entry allows the employee to key in their badge
number at the keypad. PIN entry must be enabled to use the PIN entry feature.

To punch using a badge

The PC400/PC400TX series clocks have a magnetic stripe badge reader. The stripe
should be on the left side of the badge when swiping. To swipe the badge, insert it at the
top of the reader, then pull it down with a continuous and smooth motion; see Figure 8.

After the employee has punched the grand totals for the pay period will display as well as
any message that has been sent to the employee. Note: The grand totals display can be
turned on or off from within Terminal Manager. See the Terminal Manager help for
details. For more information on sending messages to employees see the PayClock online

To use PIN entry

With the time and date showing on the display, press the “0” key, the screen will display
“ENTER PIN:” key in your badge number and press [#] enter. Note: If the time and date
are not showing on the display press *[exit] on the keypad, then press the “0” key.

Figure 8