Life Fitness Pro Series User Manual

Page 55

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3. Pro Series Machines


Seated Leg Curl (SL40) Specifications

Machine Weight:
Weight Stack:

570 lbs.
255 lbs.
in.= 36 x 57 x 69

259 kg.
119 kg.
cm= 91 x 145 x 175

Spring loaded seat back adjusts from seated position.

Adjustable lower leg pad for varied leg lengths.

Three degree angle in tibia pad provides balanced resistance.

Roller pad has increased life over fixed pad because wear is distributed around entire

pad rather than focused on one spot.

Range of motion limiter accommodates individual flexibility (Model SL45 only).

Multi-Hip (SL50) Specifications

Machine Weight:
Weight Stack:

460 lbs.
140 lbs.
in.= 34 x 58 x 68

209 kg.
70 kg.
cm= 86 x 147 x 173

Spring-assisted foot platform adjusts to align hip with axis of rotation.

Leg pad adjusts to leg length.

Dual-position handles for increased stability and safety.

Roller pad has increased life over fixed pad because wear is distributed around entire

pad rather than focused on one spot.

Hip Adductor (SL55) Specifications

Machine Weight:
Weight Stack:

450 lbs.
190 lbs.
in.= 24 x 63 x 57

205 kg.
95 kg.
cm= 61 x 160 x 145

Upright seat position for ease of entry and exit.

User-accessible weight stack positioned to act as privacy shield.

Leg support with knee pad and dual footpegs eliminate torque around knee.

Start position adjusts from seated position with ratchet mechanism and handle release.