Smith machine (pl06)- upper body exercises – Life Fitness Pro Series User Manual
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3. Pro Series Machines
SMITH MACHINE (PL06)- Upper body exercises
General information: Many exercises can be performed on the Smith machine. The Smith
machine uses free weights as opposed to a weight stack. Some of the primary exercises that
can be performed on the machine are discussed below.
Upper body chest and arm exercises:
Shoulder bench press (bench at 90 degrees) and standing shoulder press: Delts
Flat bench press: Pecs
Incline bench press (bench angled at 30 to 45 degrees): Pecs
Close grip bench press: Triceps
Setup: Without weights on the bar, hook the bar to a position where your arms will be
nearly fully extended above you. Add desired weights to each side of the bar horns. With a
bench, the bar should be directly over your chest. Make sure your head is supported on the
bench. Feet should be on the floor (or on the bench when doing a flat bench press). With
back and head in a straight line, grip the bar at the desired width (see below for variations).
Performing the exercises: Unlock the bar from the hook and lower it toward the chest.
Work at keeping the bar off of the chest. Lowering the bar all the way to the chest could
place excessive strain on the anterior deltoids. Raise the bar away from the chest. Do not
lock elbows. Hold this position briefly. When finished, twist the bar into the bar hook at a
position that will make it easy to slide off of the bench.
Variations: Gripping the bar at less than shoulder width places more emphasis on the inner
pectorials and triceps. Gripping the bar at greater than shoulder width places more emphasis
on the outer pectorials and anterior deltoids.