Life Fitness Treadmill User Manual
Page 37

After entering the Managers Configuration, use the TIME ARROW keys to scroll through the list
of configuration options, or allow the MESSAGE CENTER to scroll automatically through the
options. When CUSTOM WORKOUT ENTRY appears, press ENTER to select this option.
The custom workouts are identified as numbers, from 1 to 6. Enter the desired number on the
NUMERIC keypad, or use the ARROW keys to scroll through the displayed numbers. Press
ENTER to confirm the number selection. If a workout does not already exists for that number,
the MESSAGE CENTER displays a request to begin creating the workout.
If a workout does exist for the number in question, the MESSAGE CENTER displays a statement
to that effect, followed by the option to modify the existing workout. The steps for modifying a work-
out are the same as those for creating a new workout:
Using the TIME ARROW keys or the NUMERIC keypad, select a workout duration time in min-
utes, and press ENTER. The duration cannot exceed the MAXIMUM TIME set in the Manager's
Next, select the interval type. Use the arrow keys to toggle between the displayed options, and
press the ENTER key to select the desired interval type. Options are:
Speed/Incline, in which a treadmill speed and/or incline grade is selected for each
Target Heart Rate, in which a maximum target heart rate is selected for each interval.
The number of intervals is always 30, so the length of each interval equals the selected duration
divided by 30. Each interval is identified by the time at which it occurs during the workout.
If Speed/Incline is selected, the MESSAGE CENTER displays each interval, identified as the
time at which the interval occurs. For each displayed interval, enter a speed using the SPEED
ARROW keys, and/or enter an incline grade using the INCLINE ARROW keys. Press Enter to
confirm each selection. After values are selected for all 30 intervals, the MESSAGE CENTER
displays the statement, CUSTOM WORKOUT COMPLETED, followed by a prompt to create a
workout for the next number.
If Target Heart Rate is selected, the MESSAGE CENTER displays each interval, identified as a
numeral from 1 to 30. For each displayed interval, enter a target heart rate using the ARROW
keys. Press Enter to confirm each selection. After values are selected for all 30 intervals, the
MESSAGE CENTER displays the statement, CUSTOM WORKOUT COMPLETED, followed by
a prompt to create a workout for the next number.