7 balancing the air distribution, 1 ducted applications, 2 plenum installation – Liebert Challenger ITR User Manual
Page 18: Balancing the air distribution, Ducted applications, Plenum installation

9. Special alarm connections. Field-supplied 24V Class 1 wiring for special alarm. Connection
made by adding normally open contacts between terminals 24 + 50. Optional additional
connections available with Advanced or Advanced with Graphics controls and appropriate
optional accessories (connections 51, 55, and 56).
10. Liebert SiteScan
connection. Terminals 77 (-) and 78 (+) are for connection of a 2-wire, twisted
pair, communication cable (available from Liebert or others) to optional Liebert SiteScan.
11. Remote condensing unit connection. Field-supplied 24V Class 1 wiring to remote condensing
unit terminals 1, 2, 3, & 4 from (R2) relay (split system only).
12. Smoke detector alarm connections. Field-supplied 24V Class 1 wiring to remote alarm circuits.
Factory-wired contacts from optional smoke detector are #91-comm., #92-NO, and #93-NC.
13. Common alarm connection. Field-supplied 24V Class 1 wiring to common alarm terminals 75 + 76
(and optional 94 + 95, and 96 + 97), which are factory-connected to common alarm relay (R3).
14. Reheat and Humidifier Lockout. Optional emergency power lockout of reheat and/or humidifier:
connections provided for remote 24V AC source.
15. Heat rejection connection. Field-supplied 24V Class 1 wiring to interlock heat rejection from
pigtails 70 + 71 which are factory-connected to compressor side switch (self-contained units only
and to Glycool relay (R5), Glycool units only).
16. Main Fan Auxiliary Switch. Optional main fan auxiliary side switch. Terminals located in field
wiring compartment for remote indication that the evaporator fan motor/unit is on. Field to
connect 24V maximum.
17. Optional Condensate Alarm (Dual Float Condensate Pump only). Relay terminals located in field
wiring compartment for remote indication.
*Located inside Liebert Challenger ITR on top.
NOTE: Refer to specification sheet for full load amp. and wire size amp. ratings.
Balancing the Air Distribution
2.7.1 Ducted Applications
For ducted applications, the duct work may be attached to the top perimeter of the Liebert Challenger
ITR (see Figure 2).
The duct work must allow access to the motors/blowers for maintenance. The duct work must be
designed within the capacity of the Liebert Challenger ITR, otherwise air flow and performance will
be compromised.
2.7.2 Plenum Installation
A solid plenum or plenum with discharge grille(s) may be installed. The plenum and instructions for
its installation ship separately from the Liebert Challenger ITR.