Life Fitness Fitness Equipment User Manual
Page 16

How To Use:
Basic Workouts Console
How to Use the Basic Workouts Console
Workout Overviews
The Basic Workouts console has five specially designed pre-programmed workouts that have been developed
by Life Fitness. Each workout has a different goal. Read the workout descriptions carefully so that you can
develop a workout routine that focuses on reaching your specific goals.
The workout descriptions on the following pages are labeled Beginner-Just Starting or Experienced-Fit.
Beginner workouts are designed for users just starting to create a workout routine. Beginner workouts have
limited gradual intensity adjustments. Experienced workouts are workouts designed for users that want a more
challenging workout and have a higher fitness level.
Different workouts require different setup steps. This section provides details on the steps themselves.
The main screen of the console is known as the “Select Workout” screen which looks like the following:
- T3 Treadmill (6 pages)
- F3 Folding Treadmill (12 pages)
- T5 Treadmill (1 page)
- T7 Treadmill (8 pages)
- T3 Treadmill (19 pages)
- Platinum Club Series Treadmill (21 pages)
- Arctic Silver T3.5 Treadmill (9 pages)
- FZTP (17 pages)
- MTSLE (18 pages)
- Sport and Essential Consumer Treadmills (3 pages)
- CTSX30-0102-01 (8 pages)
- Cable Motion 8352100 REV. B (26 pages)
- Cable Motion 39721 (24 pages)
- Pro 2 Series PSPD (11 pages)
- 91Xi (83 pages)
- 91TW (22 pages)
- Utility Bench (8 pages)
- Hammer Strength OHDRacks (6 pages)
- 8216 (7 pages)
- GS5 (11 pages)
- TR-7500 (3 pages)
- Parabody 805 (11 pages)
- HDCR9 (13 pages)
- 18 \ 90 Series (8 pages)
- OHD-MIP (10 pages)
- Pro 2 Series PSFLY (10 pages)
- Hammer Strength OHDMR (15 pages)
- GS6 (1 page)
- LIFECYCLE R3 (2 pages)
- GS4 (12 pages)
- FZHAD (13 pages)
- FIT 3 (1 page)
- 889 (16 pages)
- MTSRL (21 pages)
- 887 (16 pages)
- GK53-00002-0012 (2 pages)
- C3 (2 pages)
- Pro 2 Series PSSLPSE (22 pages)
- T7i (8 pages)
- Arctic Silver 93XW-0XXX-03 (17 pages)
- 874 (12 pages)
- Classic Series Cross-Trainer CLSXH (8 pages)
- Exercise Bike Inspire Console 97C Lifecycle (42 pages)
- Hammer Strength MTS (6 pages)