Linksys AG041 User Manual
Page 41

Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL Gateway
The Administration Tab
ADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch
The Reporting tab provides you with a log of all incoming and outgoing URLs or IP addresses for your Internet
connection. It also provides logs for VPN and firewall events.
Log. To enable log reporting, click Enabled.
Logviewer IP Address. Enter the IP Address to receive logs into the field.
Email Alerts
E-Mail Alerts. To enable E-Mail Alerts, click Enabled.
Denial of Service Thresholds. Enter the thresholds of events you want to receive.
SMTP Mail Server. Enter the IP Address of the SMTP server in the field.
E-Mail Address for Alert Logs. Enter the e-mail address for alert logs in the field.
Return E-Mail address. Enter the address for the return e-mail.
To view the logs, click the View Logs button.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-26: Administration tab - Reporting
SMTP: the standard e-mail protocol on the Internet