Adjusting values in adobe photoshop cs2 – Logitech NuLOOQ User Manual

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Adjusting Brush Size and other Options in Adobe Photoshop CS2
using tooltuner dial

The circular disk (tooltuner dial or tooltuner) located at the top of NuLOOQ navigator is used to make fine
adjustments to brush size and other option values in increments of 1 pixel in any brush based tool within Adobe
Photoshop CS2.

To adjust brush size or other option values, first ensure you are in a brush tool within Adobe Photoshop. Any of
the following tools are supported:

Spot Healing Brush Tool

Healing Brush Tool

Color Replacement Tool

Brush Tool

Pencil Tool

Clone Stamp Tool

Pattern Stamp Tool

History Brush Tool

Art History Brush Tool

Eraser Tool

Background Eraser Tool

Magic Eraser Tool

Sharpen Tool

Smudge Tool

Dodge Tool

Burn Tool

Sponge Tool

If you are in any other tool, adjusting brush size or other options is not supported, until you are in a brush based
tool. To use the tooltuner dial to adjust brush size or other options, follow these simple steps.

NuLOOQ navigator Action

Adobe Photoshop CS2 Reaction

No Photoshop CS2
reaction. A new dialog
box will appear, as shown
to the right. This dialog
box will show the current option being controlled and the
current value associated with that option. Note, this dialog box
can be moved anywhere on the screen for proper placement.

If you want to control a
different option value,
such as hardness in the
brush tool, use the mouse
to click on the pull-down
menu and a list of options
for the given tool you are
in will be displayed. Select the option to adjust and then
continue to next step.