Land Pride Powered Rakes PR1672 User Manual
Page 27

Section 7: Troubleshooting
PR1660, PR1672 & PR1690 Powered Rakes 314-216M
Section 7: Troubleshooting
Machine makes intermittent clicking
Check for damaged gear and replace if necessary.
Check for worn drive chain and replace if necessary.
Roller will not turn
Obstruction between roller and material control deflector.
Chain is off.
Burnt or mis-adjusted slip-clutch on driveline shaft.
Broken drive spindle.
Operating depth insufficient
Raise gauge wheels.
Increase tractor RPM.
Clean roller.
Roller gouging on the end
The gauge wheel on chain case side should be approximately 1" lower than the
non-drive side gauge wheel for consistent leveling.
Set gauge wheel depth.
Correct air pressure in gauge wheels.
Level 3-Point arms on tractor.
Too much dirt going into the windrow or
dirt going over the top of the material
control deflector
Reduce ground speed.
Raise material control deflector.
Lower gauge wheels.
Too many rocks passing between
material control deflector and the roller
Lower material control deflector.
Roller balling up with soil
Wait until soil dries.
Powered Rake bumping on ground
Clean roller.
Increase roller speed if roller is turning slow.
Decrease roller speed if roller is turning fast.