Update display unit software, What is radar – Lowrance electronic LRA-1000 User Manual
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This manual covers the following radar units: LRA-1000, LRA-1500,
LRA-2000 radomes; and LRA-4000, LRA-5000 open array radars.
Update Display Unit Software
Your display unit must have software version 1.3.0 or later to work
with radar. Depending on when you bought your display, it may require
a software update. To avoid delays in setting up your radar system,
your radar package includes an MMC or SD memory card with a basic
software upgrade.
Lowrance continues to regularly develop display enhancements and
new radar features. We strongly recommend that you periodically
check our web site for the latest free radar software updates.
If you or a friend has Internet access, log-on to
browse to our Software page and look for the Product Updates link. If
you lack Internet access, call your dealer or Lowrance Customer Serv-
ice. Complete contact information is on the last page of this manual.
We've made it easy for you to keep up with our latest updates — just
subscribe to our free e-mail software release notices. Look for the link
at the bottom of our Product Software Upgrades web page.
Installing Software Update
1. With the display unit turned off, install the MMC card that contains
the radar software update.
2. Turn on the unit and the update will install automatically.
3. When the update is finished, the unit will power up normally. After
the updated is complete, remove the update MMC from card slot.
This manual assumes you have a basic understanding of your display
and its sonar and/or GPS operations. For complete instructions on
the keyboard, pages and menu structure, refer to the manual packed
with your display. That manual also explains the typographical con-
ventions and symbols we use to describe unit operations.
What is radar?
The word "radar" is an acronym for "RAdio Detecting And Ranging." In
simple terms, this is how it works:
A radio transmitter sends out a quick microwave pulse. A receiver listens
for that signal's echo when it bounces back from something in its path.