LifeSource XC 300 User Manual
Heart rate monitor, Trilingual instruction guide

Toll Free LifeSource Health Line 1-888-726-9966
Congratulations on your purchase of a new LifeSource Heart Rate Monitor. The
LifeSource Heart Rate Monitor is a high-technology wireless device designed to
instantaneously monitor your heart rate with 99% accuracy. From beginning
athletes to Olympic athletes, for heart related patients, or anyone who wants
to lose weight, the heart rate monitor is an effective way to monitor and
improve your workout intensity and quality. If your heart rate is too high, it
means you are overloading your heart. If your heart rate is too low, then you
are not getting the full benefits of your exercise. Therefore, it is important that
you keep your heart rate within your ideal zone. With the LifeSource Heart
Rate Monitor, you will improve your performance by exercising smarter rather
than longer or harder. For heart related patients, you can exercise within the
limits set by your doctor, and feel more secure.
LifeSource has been manufacturing quality healthcare products for over 20
years. We are committed to providing you and your family with monitoring
devices that provide the utmost in accuracy and convenience. LifeSource –
your source for a lifetime of health.
Trilingual Instruction Guide
E N G L I S H / F R A N Ç A I S / E S P A Ñ O L