KORG Kaptivator KTV1 User Manual
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s Manual
Thank you for your purchase of the KORG kaptivator Dynamic video station.
To enjoy long and trouble-free use of this device, please read this manual carefully and operate the unit
A note about using this video device
Some people subjected to stimulation by intense light or rapidly flashing images may experience symptoms of
temporary muscle spasms or loss of consciousness. If you experience any such symptoms, stop using this device
immediately and seek medical attention.
In particular when using this device in a public place or other location where there are large numbers of people,
you must take into account people other than the operator, and avoid creating and displaying continuous suc-
cessions of images that might produce this type of intense stimulation.
Korg Corporation accepts no responsibility for any health problem or personal or property damage that may occur
to the operator or observers from use of this device in violation of this warning.
About your data
The contents of memory may be lost if an unexpected malfunction occurs, so be sure to make a backup of any
important data. Korg Corporation can take no responsibility for any damages due to loss of data.
Handling of the internal hard disk
Do not apply physical shock to this device. In particular, you must never move this device or apply physical shock
while the power is turned on. This can cause part or all of the data on disk to be lost, or may damage the hard disk
or interior components.
When this device is moved to a location where the temperature is radically different, water droplets may condense
on the hard disk. If the device is used in this condition, it may malfunction, so please allow several hours to pass
before operating the device.
Do not repeatedly turn the power on/off. This may damage the kaptivator.
This device begins to access the hard disk immediately after the power is turned on.
Never turn off the power while the BUSY indicator is lit or blinking. Doing so can cause all or part of the data on
hard disk to be lost, or may cause malfunctions such as hard disk damage.
If the hard disk has been damaged due to incorrect operation, power failure, or accidental interruption of the
power supply, a fee may be charged for replacement even if this device is still within its warranty period.
This professional device is intended only for use with works for which you yourself own the copyright, for which
you have received permission from the copyright holder to publicly perform, record, broadcast, sell, and dupli-
cate, or in connection with activities which constitute “fair use” under copyright law. If you are not the copyright
holder, have not received permission from the copyright holder, or have not engaged in fair use of the works, you
may be violating copyright law, and may be liable for damages and penalties. If you are unsure about your rights
to a work, please consult a copyright attorney.
About the video clip collection
Copyright to the “video clip collection” built into the kaptivator is the property of the respective copyright hold-
ers, and Korg Corporation has obtained permission to use this material.
You may use this “video clip collection” in public locations only if you are using the kaptivator.
Whether in part or in whole, duplicating, selling, lending, distributing, or making this material available on the
Internet etc., whether for profit or otherwise, will constitute a violation of copyright law.
Appearance and specifications of this product are subject to change without notice.
Company names, product names, and names of formats etc. are the trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.