Karcher KMR 1250 BAT User Manual
Page 3

For your safety
Before using the machine for the first time, read these user
instructions and the appended booklet Safety Informa-
tion 5.956-250.
Please note carefully all the information contained in them.
Risk of explosion when charging the battery
When low-maintenance batteries are being charged, explo-
sive gases are given off. Each time the battery is charged
open the cover of the sweeper and make sure there is
sufficient ventilation. Do not smoke and make sure there is
no naked flame. For further information, see chapter
Take care when handling the battery!
Observe the information on safety provided by the battery
manufacturer. The right to claim under the warranty exists
only if you are using Kärcher recommended batteries and
battery chargers.
Risk of sweeper toppling over when slope
too great!
The sweeper can topple over when travelling or turning on
steep slopes.
If you are working in the direction of motion, only attempt
slopes of up to 18 % gradient
If you are working across the direction of motion, only
attempt slopes of up to 10 % gradient
Risk of sweeper toppling over when
negotiating turns quickly!
The sweeper can topple over if turns are negotiated quickly.
Make slow turns.
Precautions to take when doing repair and
To avoid the sweeper being started unintentionally, proceed
as follows after switching the sweeper off:
Remove starting key
Pull out battery plug connection
On behalf of the environment
Caution! Used batteries are a danger to the environment!
Used batteries do not belong in the household rubbish. See
that they are disposed of in a way that will cause no harm
to the environment.
Caution! Hydraulic fluid is a danger to the environment!
When you change the oil, hand in the used oil at a used-
oil collection point or to a disposal firm.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ............................... 13
For your safety ........................................................... 13
Risk of explosion when charging the battery ................ 13
Take care when handling the battery! .......................... 13
The sweeper can topple over when travelling or turning
on steep slopes. ......................................................... 13
Risk of sweeper toppling over when negotiating turns
quickly! ...................................................................... 13
Precautions to take when doing repair and
maintenance .............................................................. 13
On behalf of the environment ..................................... 13
General data .............................................................. 14
Precautions to take when transporting the sweeper .... 14
Intended usage .......................................................... 14
Function of the main components ............................... 14
OPERATING CONTROLS .................................... 15
PRIOR TO INITIAL START-UP ............................. 16
Directions for unloading .............................................. 16
Pushing the sweeper by hand .................................... 16
After sweeper has been moved by hand: .................... 16
PRIOR TO EVERY START-UP .............................. 16
STARTING THE SWEEPER ................................. 16
Adjusting the driver’s seat ........................................... 16
Initial driving trials ....................................................... 16
Working with the sweeper .......................................... 17
Braking ...................................................................... 17
Going up slopes ......................................................... 17
Stopping the sweeper and switching off ...................... 17
Cleaning the filter ....................................................... 17
Emptying the waste hopper ........................................ 17
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS .................................... 18
Picking up larger items (sticks, tins, etc.) ..................... 18
Overcoming obstacles ................................................ 18
BATTERY ............................................................. 19
Checking the level of electrolyte in the battery ............. 19
Charging the battery ................................................... 19
MAINTENANCE ................................................... 20
Initial inspection after 8 operating hours ...................... 20
Daily maintenance ...................................................... 20
Maintenance intervals ................................................ 20
Maintenance tasks ..................................................... 20
Checking the hydraulic system ................................... 20
Replacing the sealing skirts ........................................ 20
Replacing the side brush ............................................ 20
Adjusting the sweeping pattern ................................... 21
Replacing the main brush roller .................................. 21
Replacing fuses .......................................................... 22
Replacing the dust filters ............................................ 22
TECHNICAL DATA ............................................... 23
TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................... 24