11. mixer setup, Storing a mixer setup, Recalling a mixer setup – KORG D3200 User Manual

Page 59: Storing a mixer setup recalling a mixer setup, Operation

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3-11. Mixer Setup

Mixer Setup lets you store the current mixer settings for sub-
sequent recall at a later time.
This allows you to store mixer settings that you use frequent-
ly, and then recall them when creating a new song. You can
also use this method to copy mixer settings to a different
The current mixer settings are stored as a “mixer setup pro-
gram.” You can store twenty of these mixer setup programs.
A mixer setup program contains all the mixer parameters
that are included in the song.

The mixer setup programs that you store can be backed-up
and restored as “User Data” “Mixer Setup Data” (


A mixer setup contains the following parameters.

Channel Assign, and Sub Mixer assignments
Pair, Group
Fader, Pan, Play/Rec EQ
ATT, CH ON, Phase, AUX/EFF Send, Rec Send
• Effect (all settings including the parameters being edited)
• Master Fader, Master EQ, Send Out level, Send Select All
Solo, Monitor, Cue, Session Drums
• Channel keys when the REC/PLAY key is on
• Master track record/play

Storing a mixer setup

Here’s how to store the current mixer settings as a mixer set-
up program.

You can’t store a mixer setup while a song is playing.

(1) Make sure the current mixer settings are the ones that

you want to store.

(2) Access the MIXER, “MIXER SETUP,” “MixerSetup”

tab page.

(3) In the list, click to highlight the program in where you

want to store the current settings (i.e., the program you
want to overwrite).

(4) Click the Store button to open the Store Program dia-

log box.
If you decide that you want to store the settings in a pro-
gram number other than the one shown in the cell, you
can click to highlight it and use the value dial (or the +/–
keys) to change the program number.

(5) If you want to assign or edit the program name, click

the Rename button to open the Rename dialog box


(6) Save the mixer setup.

Click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key) to save
the settings.
If you decide to cancel, click the No button (or press the
panel NO key).

Recalling a mixer setup

Here’s how to recall a previously-stored mixer setup pro-

You can’t recall a setup while a song is playing.

(1) Access the MIXER, “MIXER SETUP,” “MixerSetup”

tab page.

(2) In the list, click to highlight the program that you want

to recall.

(3) Click the Recall button to open the Recall Program dia-

log box.

(4) Recall the mixer setup.

Click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key) to
recall the settings.
If you decide to cancel, click the No button (or press the
panel NO key).

A program saved in a 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz song can be recalled into
either a 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz song.

When the D3200 is shipped from the factory, mixer setup pro-
grams 1 through 20 are stored as “NoData.” Recalling one of
these programs will set the mixer to the same settings as when it
is initialized (i.e., when you create a New Song).






