2: setup, 3: ifx (insert effect), 8–2: setup – KORG MICROX X50 User Manual
Page 36: 8–3: ifx (insert effect), 8–3: ifx

If you check “Post IFX Mixer Setting,” the “Pan (CC#8),”
“BUS Select,” “S1 (Send1(MFX1))” and “S2 (Send2(MFX2))”
settings that follow the copy source insert effect will also be
copied. If you do not check this, only the effect type and its
parameters will be copied.
To execute the Copy Insert Effect command, press the
[MENU/OK] button. To cancel, press the [EXIT/CAN-
CEL] button.
8–2: Setup
Here you can select the type of insert effect, turn it on/off,
pan etc.
The direct sound (Dry) of an insert effect is always stereo
input and output. The input/output of the effect sound
(Wet) will depend on the effect type (
8–2a: InsertFX Setup
IFX On/Off
[Off, On]
Selects the insert effect on/off.
When this is Off, the input will be output without change.
(For 00: No Effect, on/off will produce the same result.)
Separately from this setting, you can use control change
#92 to turn off insert effect. A value of 0 will be off, and
a value of 1–127 will be the original setting. This mes-
sage is received on the global MIDI channel specified
by “MIDI Channel” (GLOBAL 1–1a).
Insert Effect
[00...89: name]
Indicates the type of insert effect.
For “Insert Effect” you can select from 89 types of effect: 01:
St.Amp Sim – 89: Reverb-Gate
You can use the utility “Select by Category” (8–2c) to select
these effects by category.
Pan(CC#8) (Post IFX Pan CC#8)
Sets the pan after the sound has passed through the insert
effect. This setting is valid only when the “BUS Select” from
the IFX output is set to L/R (
CC#8 will control the pan amount.
BUS Select
[L/R, 1, 2, 1/2, Off]
Specifies the bus to which the sound will be sent after pass-
ing through the insert effect. Normally you will set this to L/
. If you wish to output to INDIVIDUAL OUTPUT, set this
to 1, 2 or 1/2. The Off setting is used when you wish to use
“S1 (Send1(MFX1))” and “S2 (Send2(MFX2))” and in addi-
tion connect to the master effects in series.
S1 (Send1(MFX1))
S2 (Send2(MFX2))
Sets the send levels to the master effects 1 and 2 for the
sound that has passed through the insert effect. These set-
tings are valid when “BUS Select” (8–1a) has been set to L/R
or Off.
Control change CC#93 will control the Send 1 level, and
control change CC#91 will control the Send 2 level.
These messages are received on the global MIDI chan-
nel specified by “MIDI Channel” (GLOBAL 1–1a).
8–2b: Routing
This displays the status of the insert effect.
This displays the routing of the insert effect, the specified
effect name, and the on/off status.
You can select (All OSCs) and use the VALUE controller to
specify “BUS Select” (
■ 8–2: UTILITY
☞“Write Program” (0–1), “Copy Insert Effect” (8–1)
For details on how to select the desired utility function, refer
to “PROG 0–1: UTILITY.”
Select by Category
Selects insert effect by category.
For the procedure, refer to “Select by Category” (
This command is valid when the 8–2 parameters are
8–3: IFX
(Insert Effect)
Here you can set the effect parameters for the IFX that was
selected in the Setup page (
Effect dynamic modulation (Dmod) is controlled on the
global MIDI channel “MIDI Channel” (GLOBAL 1–1a).
☞p.157 “Dynamic Modulation Source (Dmod)” )
■ 8–3: UTILITY
☞“Write Program” (0–1)