KORG MICROX X50 User Manual
Page 170

The A-mode functions of the REALTIME CONTROLS
are fixed.
Knob1-A: LPF Cutoff (Filter LPF Cutoff: CC#74)
Control the low pass filter cutoff frequency of the filter.
Simultaneously, CC#74 will be transmitted.
Knob2-A: Resonance/HPF
(Filter Resonance/HPF Cutoff: CC#71)
Control the resonance level or the cutoff frequency of the
high pass filter. If the program “Filter Type” is Low Pass
, the resonance level will be controlled. If “Filter
Type” is Low Pass & High Pass, the cutoff frequency of the
high pass filter will be controlled. Simultaneously, CC#71
will be transmitted.
Knob3-A: EG-Intensity (Filter EG Intensity: CC#79)
Control the filter EG intensity. Simultaneously, CC#79 will
be transmitted.
Knob4-A: EG-Release
(Filter, Amplifier EG Release: CC#72)
Control the release time of the filter and amplifier EG.
Simultaneously, CC#72 will be transmitted.