7–1b: arpeggiator tempo, 7–1: utility, Octave* [1, 2, 3, 4 – KORG MICROX X50 User Manual
Page 33: Reso (resolution), Gate [000 (%), step, Velocity [001 , key, step, Sort* [off, on, Latch* [off, on, Key sync.* [off, on, Keyboard* [off, on

[1, 2, 3, 4]
Specifies the number of octaves in which the arpeggio will
be played.
If a user arpeggio pattern is selected, the range of the
arpeggio will depend on the “Octave Motion” (GLO-
BAL 5–1c) setting.
Reso (Resolution)*
, , , , , ]
Specifies the timing resolution of the arpeggio. The notes of
the arpeggio will be played at the interval you specify: ,
, , , or . The speed of the arpeggio pattern is
determined by the “
(Tempo)” and the “Resolution.”
[000...100(%), Step]
Specifies the length (gate time) of each note in the arpeggio.
Each note will be played with the specified gate
This is available when a user arpeggio pattern U000 –
is selected for “Pattern.” When this is selected, the gate
time specified for each step will be used.
The gate time can also be controlled by the REALTIME
CONTROLS C-mode [ARP-GATE] knob. Rotating the knob
toward the left will shorten the gate time, and rotating it
toward the right will lengthen the gate time. When the knob
is at the 12 o’clock position, the gate time will be as specified
[001...127, Key, Step]
Specifies the velocity of the notes in the arpeggio.
Each note will sound with the specified velocity
Each note will sound with the velocity value at which
it was actually played.
This is available when a user arpeggio pattern U000–
is selected for “Pattern.” When this is selected, the
velocity specified for each step will be used.
The velocity can also be controlled by the REALTIME CON-
TROLS C-mode [ARP-VELOCITY] knob. Rotating the knob
toward the left will decrease the velocity, and rotating it
toward the right will increase the velocity. When the knob is
at the 12 o’clock position, the velocity will be as specified
This parameter shifts the timing of the odd-numbered notes
of the arpeggio.
[Off, On]
This specifies the order in which the notes you press will be
On (checked):
Notes will be arpeggiated in the order of their
pitch, regardless of the order in which you pressed them.
Off (unchecked):
Notes will be arpeggiated in the order in
which you pressed them.
[Off, On]
Specifies whether or not the arpeggio will continue playing
after you take your hand off the keyboard.
On (checked):
The arpeggio will continue playing after you
remove your hand from the keyboard.
Off (unchecked):
The arpeggio will stop when you remove
your hand from the keyboard.
Key Sync.*
[Off, On]
Specifies whether the arpeggio pattern will begin when you
press a key, or whether it will always follow the “ (Tempo)”
On (checked):
The arpeggio pattern will start playing from
the beginning when a note-on occurs from a condition
where no keys are pressed. This setting is suitable when you
are playing in realtime and want the arpeggio to play from
the beginning of the measure.
Off (unchecked):
The arpeggio pattern will always play
according to the “
(Tempo) .”
[Off, On]
This specifies whether the notes you play on the keyboard
will be sounded as usual in addition to being sounded as
part of the arpeggio.
On (checked):
The notes you play will be sounded on their
own, in addition to being sounded as part of the arpeggio.
For example if you simultaneously press two or more notes,
they will be sounded as usual in addition to being played as
arpeggiated notes.
Off (unchecked):
Only the arpeggiated notes will be heard.
* These parameters can also be set in “0–3: Arp. Play”
7–1b: Arpeggiator Tempo
[040...240, EXT]
Sets the tempo.
☞p.3 “ (Tempo)” (0–1a)
■ 7–1: UTILITY
☞“Write Program” (0–1)
Copy Arpeggiator
This command copies arpeggio settings.
Select “Copy Arpeggiator” to access the dialog box.
In “From” specify the copy source arpeggio settings
(mode, bank, number).
You can press a PROG BANK button to select a bank.
You can also use numeric buttons [0]–[9] and the [ENTER]
button to select a number.
If you are copying from Combination or multi set, specify
whether you wish to copy from A or B.
To execute the Copy Arpeggio operation, press the
[MENU/OK] button. To cancel, press the [EXIT/CAN-
CEL] button.
When Resolution =
Step 1