Kenwood AMPED XR-S17P User Manual
Page 33

(1200 Watts max power) is well suited for any number of system ap-
plications because all functions are performed in the digital domain. Its
on-board DSP includes features like time alignment, parametric EQ, and
audio feedback circuitry for clean, precise power.
Amps at Work
A very cool feature of both of our Reference Series amps is the 14-seg-
ment, five-digit blue fluorescent display that shows voltage, current, tem-
perature, and setup menu. Here’s a plus for installers: the eXcelon Digital
Reference line retains installer memory so you can
lock in those settings. The amp information dis-
play also includes an over/under input setup.
This feature helps precisely match the input
sensitivity to the headunit for best sound
quality and volume. (The KAC-X4R full digi-
tal amplifier comes with a setup disk to adjust
input sensitivity.)
Dual Sigma(
) Drive
eXcelon Class D mono amplifiers (KAC-X1R & KAC-X10D) use Dual
Sigma Drive, which is an advanced negative feed back circuit. When a
signal is passed to a subwoofer, say a 50Hz note, the speaker will move
and create the note. However, because the speaker has mass and a sus-
pension, it won’t stop moving once it’s in motion. This extra movement
(sound) creates a type of distortion because it is not part of the original
signal. The negative feedback circuit senses this unwanted movement
as back EMF (electro motive force), which are voltage pulses sent back
to the amplifier caused by the speaker movement. The negative feed-
back loop senses these pulses and sends out an opposite pulse to stop
the speaker. Think of it as an electronic brake for your subwoofers.
Kenwood’s Dual Sigma Drive extends the negative feedback loop out to
the speaker output terminals. This makes the feedback loop more accu-
rate because it considers all of the impedance-changing devices that are
after the output transistor (like crossovers, etc.).
Dual Sigma Drive circuitry ensures a
precise reproduction of music by con-
trolling unwanted speaker movement.
The KAC-X10D
Class D mono power
amp pumps out more
power than Class
A/B amps of the
same size and will
give your customers
stronger, louder, more
chest-thumping bass.
eXcelon Digital Reference amps are de-
signed to provide more contact with less
resistance for maximum performance,
and you don’t need external connectors!
Stay in Phase
Phase inverter for subwoofer applications is a key feature on all eXce-
lon amps (and the Kenwood KAC-9104D). A phase inverter switches the
output of the amp 180 degrees out of phase. Why would you want to do
that? Because it can help when the installation results in a subwoofer
being out of phase in the listening position. Flipping the phase inverter
switch can increase volume by putting the system back in phase.
Dial in the Decibels
The KCA-WR10 optional remote
controller is designed for the KAC-
X1R, KAC-X10D, and the KAC-X20.
This little knob allows bass boost frequency
adjustments and level adjustments for bass. Say
you want to add 8 dB worth of boost at 43 Hz. With the KCA-
WR10, it’s just a matter of turning the knobs. And if you are
using two amps, you can use a phone cord splitter so one bass
boost controller operates both amps.
1-Ohm Stable
The eXcelon KAC-X1R, KAC-X10D and Kenwood KAC-9104D
are 1-Ohm load capable. There is little benefit to running a Ken-
wood amplifier at 1-Ohm, because in most cases they produce the
same power at 2-Ohms. There is also a down side to running an
amp at 1-Ohm. The amp will run hotter, which can affect longevity
and put large demands on the car’s electrical system. So why
bother with 1-Ohm? There are cases where the number/imped-
ance of speakers you’re connecting will create a 1-Ohm load. If
you do run an amp at 1-Ohm, it will draw more current and should
be addressed by running heavier gauge power and ground wire
to the amp from the power source. Note: Always match up your
speakers properly to the specification of the amplifier.