Rhythm channel settings – Kustom Double Cross none User Manual
Page 12

Rhythm Channel Settings
used for moderately distorted
sounds, rather than strictly being
a clean channel.
7) DRIVE When more gain is
desired, activate this switch by
pressing it downward. This will
maximize the amount of crunch
and overdrive in this channel, but
it can also be used for a fatter
clean sound when the gain is set
8) BRIGHT Activating this switch
will increase the high frequencies
of the signal, while also reduc-
ing low frequencies for a chunkier,
tighter attack.
9) GAIN The Gain control adjusts
the gain at the input of the am-
plifier and is used in conjunction
with the Volume control to adjust
the amount of distortion and vol-
ume for this channel. For cleaner
sounds, the Gain control should be
set in its lower range and the Vol-
ume set higher. For some break-
up, the Gain and Volume controls
should be set in their middle
ranges. For more overdrive, set
the Gain higher and the Volume
an C
Classic C
Black A