Kustom HV 30 User Manual
Kustom hv30, Gear box, Looks

30 watts RMS with
12AX7 preamp
12" Celestion
Two channels, each
with master volume
and gain control
Preamp modes: two
clean, two high-gain
Optional footswitch
on tHe CD
By Michael Ross
iven that amplifier tubes are now
made almost exclusively in Russia
and China, two countries not
known for their stability, you might
be thinking about weaning yourself
off the vacuum valve habit. But what
if you’re not quite ready to totally forgo
tubes? Then you might be interested in
a new line of hybrid guitar amplifiers
from Kustom. Called the High Voltage
Series, these amps tout turbo-charged
tones via dynamic 12AX7 tube preamp
circuitry but eschew power tubes for
solid-state circuitry. We reviewed the
HV30 model (the series also offers 65-
and 100-watt models) to see how this
combo works.
Though the HV amps share
some features with Kustom’s Coupe
series (one of which, the ’72 Coupe, we
reviewed in our Holiday 2005 issue),
their appearance is considerably more
plain. Instead of the classic tuck-and-
roll look, the HVs are dressed in basic
black with a sporty white stripe
around the grill cloth. Knobs
are of the easy-grip, knurled
variety. The ins and outs on
the back seemed at first glance
a little too utilitarian—i.e., they
aren’t labeled—but there’s a key nearby
to help decipher what’s what. Included
are an XLR direct out with speaker emu-
lation, a headphone out, an external
speaker jack, a phone jack CD/tape/
iPod input, and an optional footswitch
in for channel switching.
Like the coveted out-of-pro-
duction Music Man HD amps, the
HV30 combines a tube known for its
classic tonal qualities with a solid-
state power section to provide con-
sistency and reliability. Ace designer
James Brown maximizes the tube’s
distinctive audio characteristic and
dynamic range by operating the pre-
amp circuit at high voltages (hence
the HV). Each of the amp’s two chan-
nels has gain and master volume
controls. The EQ section shapes both
channels with a single set of passive
bass, middle, and treble controls. A
24-bit digital multi-effects system
offers 16 effects, with Tap or Toggle
functions for each effect.
The basic tone of the
HV30 may just be the warm-
est sound we’ve heard from a
hybrid amp. The combo truly
offers the best of both worlds:
the dynamic response of tubes with
the tight low end and quick attack of
solid-state. Played completely dry, both
the clean and dirty sounds approached
the complexity of an all-tube boutique
amp. The clean channel’s two modes
aped American (Fat) and British (Lean)
tones, whereas the Crunch and Grind
options on the other channel delivered
their namesake sounds. The amp’s 30
watts provide plenty of power for small
gigs and amazing low end through the
single Celestion 12. Running it into a
×12 Carvin cabinet showed that the
HV30, though not a super high-gain
machine, could easily rock a house of
any size. It was a while before we were
tempted to try the effects, but when we
did, we were awed by the quality of their
sound and the care in programming.
Lush reverbs share space with warm
delays, two octave choices (down and
up), and a rotary speaker that ramps
speed. Only the phasiness of the trem
Is It For you?
We were totally taken
with Kustom’s Coupe series and can
recommend the HV line just as highly.
For spectacular tone, versatility, and
price, the HV30 more than earns its
One Award.
Kustom HV30
74 GUITAR ONE << guitaronemag.com << jAnuARY 2007
The HV30’s 24-
bit digital multi-
effects sys-
tem offers 16
effects, with Tap
or Toggle func-
tions for each.
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