Exercise #1 – Kodak 35 mm Camera User Manual

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KODAK Self-Teaching Guide to Using an Adjustable 35 mm Camera



The one most important thing to remember about taking a picture is to hold the camera


Pick a subject in bright sunlight. Set your shutter at 125, your lens opening at f/16 and the

focus at 10 feet.

Set the camera on a solid, flat surface and take a picture of a solid subject that has some

detail in it. Be sure that everything shown in the picture is at least 5 feet away from the camera.
Try to avoid anything that might move, such as tree branches, people, or animals. You want
both camera and subject to be absolutely still. Be sure that you do not move the camera in any
way when taking the picture.

(Put your example here.)

Results: This picture should be clear and sharp with good detail. This will show the sharpness
you can get with your camera when it is held steady.