Kingston Technology MCMASTER MC133PD User Manual

Page 49

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Appendix C: Troubleshooting


MCMaster User’s Guide - Rev. B06

Kingston Technology Company


In the early days of the PS/2 computers, there was no easy way to install non-
IBM memory adapters so that the system 'saw' the memory. IBM issued an
interim method of installing an initializer program on the first track of the hard
disk (track 0).

Later, IBM changed the Set Configuration (SC.EXE) program on the Reference
disk to allow for installation of these initializers. However, not everyone has
the new Set Configuration program. Because the Adapter Description Files
(ADF) for memory adapters that use this new method contain language that
would cause errors in the older SC.EXE, some vendors don't use the new
method, but stayed with the older method.

Unfortunately, the new Set Configuration program also removes initializers that
it does not know about. This means that if two vendors use different methods,
the older method must be used after the newer method.

This causes the initializer installed later to execute later. Because the
MCMaster's memory needs to be initialized after all other memory, the
MCMaster's initializer must be installed last. Since the Above Board uses the
old method and the MCMaster uses the new, this is going to cause problems.

For this reason, Kingston provides a program (SETINIT.EXE) which will install
our initializer after any

others. Intel also provides a program, SOFTSET,

which, among other things, will install the initializer for the Above Board.

These procedures walk you through the process of using the two together.
Note that in the following sections the Above Board must be set up in Extended
Memory mode only. If you need Expanded Memory, use a memory manager
or "LIM Simulator" such as the BlueMAX from Qualitas or QEMM-386 from