Kingston Technology MCMASTER MC133PD User Manual
Page 37

Appendix C Troubleshooting
MCMaster User’s Guide - Rev. B06
Kingston Technology Company
it will show its results in the status window. If any tests fail, the program will
display error messages in red. The test list is divided into columns. The column
headings, across the top of the window, mean:
Test: The name of each test to be performed. If some of the test names are
unfamiliar, don't worry. They test specific sections of the MCMaster
Active: As each test is running, the diagnostic will place a flashing asterisk in
this column. This keeps you notified of the diagnostic's progress.
Sel: You have the option to enable or disable individual tests. If a test is
enabled or "selected," it is marked "Sel" in this field. If the test is
disabled or deselected, it will be marked "Dsel" in this field.
By default, MMDIAG starts up with almost every test selected. Only a
few time-consuming tests are left disabled.
Loop: You have the option to make the diagnostic perform tests repeatedly. If
you select this option for an individual test, the word "Loop" will be
shown in this field.
Pass and Fail: Before a test runs at all, these columns are marked
"UNTESTED." Each time a test runs, either the Pass or Fail total will
be incremented by one. For example, if you run the Board ID test
once, the Pass and Fail columns will contain 1 and 0, respectively.
Running All Tests
The simplest way to use the diagnostic is to press the [A] (All) key and allow all
of the selected tests to run. Each test in turn will be highlighted as it runs, and
the results will be posted in the status window.
Running All Tests Repeatedly
You can also run all of the tests repeatedly by pressing the [o] (Overnight) key.
When you do this, all of the tests will be selected, set to LOOP, and run
indefinitely until you press a key to stop them.
Selecting Individual Tests
As we mentioned above, all but the most time-consuming tests are selected
when the diagnostic starts up. If you want to select one of these tests, move
the green highlight bar down to that test and press [S] (Select). To deselect a
test, simply press [S] again.