Kingston Technology MCMASTER MC133PD User Manual
Page 30

Appendix B MCMaster Software Utilities
Kingston Technology Company
MCMaster User’s Guide - Rev. B06
double-click on the filename. SYSTEM.INI will load into
the Windows Notepad.)
Find the line that reads:
device = *VDMAD
Change it to read:
device = mmvdmad.386
If you are in Windows, exit Windows and re-start. Otherwise, simply
start Windows. You don't need to reboot the system. Just restart
Windows. Windows will read the edited SYSTEM.INI file and load
the new driver.
A previous version of MMVDMAD.386 was released prior to the release of
Windows 3.1. This version is dated 8/28/90 and will only work with Windows
3.0. If you're using Windows 3.1, make sure you have the latest version of the
driver, dated 4/29/92. If you don't have it, contact Kingston Technical
OS/2 1.2 and 1.3
There are two drivers to allow OS/2 to work with the MCMaster in "Mapped"
mode and busmastering SCSI adapters. Which one to use depends on what
release of OS/2 you have.
OS/2 version 1.2, and releases of OS/2 version 1.3 with a copyright
date previous to 1991, require the driver DISK02.SYS.
Releases of OS/2 with a copyright date of 1991 or later require the
driver OEMXLAT.SYS. It is important that you use the correct
OS/2 displays the copyright date in the first screen, before the Presentation
Manager screen opens up. For either one of these drivers, you should either:
(a) install the correct driver before you install the MCMaster; or (b) press the
key to disable the MCMaster, booting OS/2 on the original processor.