Kingston Technology MCMASTER MC133PD User Manual
Page 38

Appendix C Troubleshooting
Kingston Technology Company
MCMaster User’s Guide - Rev. B06
Running Individual Tests
To run an individual test, simply point to the test by moving the green highlight
bar to that test, and press [R] or [Enter]. This will cause the test to run once.
Looping on Tests
To run a test repeatedly, select that test by moving the green highlight bar and
press the [L] (Loop) key. The word "Loop" will appear in the "Loop" column,
and all other tests will be deselected. To select another test for looping, move
the green highlight bar down to that test and press [L] again. After you have all
the tests selected that you want to loop on, press [A]. This will run all selected
tests indefinitely, until you press a key to stop it.
Testing from the MCMaster side
There are several tests that can run with the MCMaster in control. Specifically,
the DRAM memory tests will run from the MCMaster. This can be helpful in
diagnosing problems that might cause the MCMaster's processor to have
difficulty reading and writing memory.
To test from the MCMaster side, just boot the system normally. Instead of
pressing the [o] key, let the MCMaster
take control of the system.
When you
run MMDIAG, only a few tests will be loaded. The rest of
them won't run
If you run the EEPROM test, you will be prompted for the hex file
name. Make sure that the appropriate hex file is available on the
same disk or directory: for example, if your ROM code revision is
2.00, the appropriate hex file is MM200.HEX.
RAM Test
Some device drivers reserve extended memory for themselves by
"hiding" it from BIOS. HIMEM.SYS, for example, takes all of
extended memory, and then allocates it using its own protocol. If the
memory test reports less memory than you expect to see,
temporarily remove any such drivers from your CONFIG.SYS.