Kodak D-45 User Manual

Page 3

background image




Kodak Komstar Microimage Processors contain

a heated metal drum which processes this film

at 1.8 meters (6 feet) per minute. Starting point

recommendations are 119 ± ½°C (246 ±1½°F)

for five (5) seconds.

Duplicating Masters

Print film density aims recommended when

printing from Kodak Imagelink DL 1000 Microfilm

/ 2482 Microfilm masters onto Kodak Premium

1000 Thermal Print Film 1323:

Kodak Premium 1000 Thermal Print Film 1323

Optimum background density


Preferred background density range

1.90 to 2.25

Minimum background density


Kodak Imagelink DL 1000 Microfilm / 2482 Microfilm
Densitometry = Diffuse Status M Blue

Kodak Thermal Print Film 1353/1323 Film

Densitometry = f/4.5 Visual Projection

See Kodak Publication D-49 for a description of

Kodak Thermal Print Films.

Photographic Properties

The following data are based on development in

the Kodak Komstar Microimage Processor as


Kodak Imagelink DL 1000 Microfilm / 2482 is

exposed inside a computer output microfilmer

using a helium-neon laser for characters and

a tungsten light or helium-neon laser exposure

for the forms slide.
The optimum exposure intensity setting is

determined by selecting from a complete

intensity series produced according to

procedures as indicated under “Exposure

Optimization” below.

Spectral Sensitivity
Optimum sensitizing for helium-neon lasers

(633 nm).

Exposure Optimization

To determine the proper COM and duplicator

exposure settings, perform the following


1. Produce a processed BLANK master fiche

from the COM.

2. Run an exposure series on the duplicator.

• Request 11 copies in the semiautomatic or

manual mode.

• Set the exposure to 1.0.
• Using the fresh Kodak Imagelink DL 1000

fiche, start the copy cycle.

• After each exposure, increase the exposure

setting by 0.1.

• There should be 11 fiche produced, with

increasing background densities.

3. Using either a densitometer or the Kodak

Thermal Print Density Comparator, select

the fiche which has a density of 2.2 or

close to, but not darker than, the “Upper

Limit” patch on the Kodak Comparator.
This will become the background onto which

the Komstar characters will be printed.

4. Produce an exposure series of Komstar

data onto Kodak Imagelink DL 1000

Microfilm such that it can be duplicated

onto a fiche with the proper background

Depending on the Komstar being used, this

can be done in several ways.

Kodak Optistar Image Writer
Note the current intensity settings.
Run either a test job or the “Quality Monitor

Test” from the Optistar Systems Console.

Run the job several times and vary the

intensity up or down (in increments of 10)

each time.
Komstar 100/200/300 Microimage

Processors, Komstar Microimage

Processor IV, and Optistar Processor V
Run either a test job or the “Quality Monitor

Test” from the Optistar Systems Console.

As the Komstar is running and starts a new

column of data (determined by either counting

frames or listening for the camera to change

directions), increase the “Data Intensity”

setting by one. This should produce a fiche

with eight columns of data at eight different
