Sony 3-875-814-21(1) User Manual
Page 5

Table of Contents
Description and location of parts ................. 7
1: Installing speakers .................................. 21
2: Connecting speakers .............................. 23
3: Connecting the monitor .......................... 25
4a: Connecting the audio components ....... 27
4b: Connecting the video components ....... 32
5: Connecting the antennas (aerials) .......... 42
6: Preparing the receiver and the remote .... 43
7: Displaying the GUI menu on the TV
screen .................................................... 44
8: Setting the speakers ................................ 45
9: Calibrating the appropriate speaker settings
automatically (Auto Calibration) .......... 47
Guide to on-screen display operation ......... 54
Enjoying sound/images from the component
connected to the receiver ....................... 57
Enjoying sound/images from the components
connected to the DIGITAL MEDIA
PORT ..................................................... 59
Operating the TDM-iP1/iP50 using the GUI
menu of the receiver .............................. 61
Listening to FM/AM radio ......................... 64
Presetting FM/AM radio stations ............... 66
Playing back with 2-channel sound ........... 68
Playing back with multi-channel
surround ................................................ 69
Enjoying a surround effect for music ......... 72
Enjoying a surround effect for movies ....... 74
What you can do with the Multi-zone
function ..................................................78
Making a multi-zone connection ................79
Setting the speakers in zone 2 ....................81
Switching the zone setting of the remote ...82
Operating the receiver from another zone
(ZONE 2/ZONE 3 operations) ..............83
Listening to the same music in different zone
(Party Mode) ..........................................84
Using “BRAVIA” Sync features ................86
Switching the monitors that output the HDMI
video signals ..........................................89
Switching between digital and analog
audio ......................................................90
Enjoying the sound/images from other inputs
(Input Assign) ........................................91
Using the sleep timer ..................................93
Enjoying the surround effect at low volume
levels ......................................................94
Recording using the receiver ......................95
Switching the command mode of the receiver
and the remote .......................................96
Using a bi-amplifier connection .................97
Using the setting menu ...............................99
Auto Calibration .......................................100
Speaker settings ........................................102
Surround settings ......................................106
EQ settings ...............................................107
Multi Zone settings ...................................108
Audio settings ...........................................109
Video settings ...........................................111
HDMI settings ..........................................114
Network settings .......................................115
Quick Click settings .................................116