Source Technologies 1352 MICR 40 User Manual
Page 58

Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide
Source Technologies
July 2003
All rights reserved
Appendix G: PJL Based MICR Commands
In addition to supporting the Text Based MICR Command Set described in Sections 6 and 7,
this Secure MICR printer also supports the PJL based MICR Commands used on our slower
speed models. The MICR code functions emulate the presence of FLASH memory for the 5
secured font resources. The FLASH Memory option is not required for the five fonts.
If you require the capability to store custom signature fonts, Logo fonts, or overlay MACRO’s in
Secure FLASH Memory the FLASH memory option is required.
The following are the key PJL and PCL commands required to access MICR resources in the
printer. For the complete source of information on PJL and PCL languages, consult the
Lexmark Technical Reference documentation.
Fonts and Secured Resources
The ST Secure MICR printer has five fonts password protected in FLASH memory. The printer
requires PJL commands with the correct password value to unlock the font resources, followed
by PCL to print the fonts. They are then re-locked by PJL commands or by a printer power
The PJL commands to unlock the fonts must precede all PCL commands. The re-lock PJL
commands must follow the PCL commands and final form feed command. The PCL com-
mands could print an unlimited number of pages between the unlock and re-lock sequences.
We will use
Values shown in parentheses () are hexadecimal.
PJL Unlock Sequence
The sequence contains a UEL (Universal Exit Language) command followed by the unlock and
enter language commands. The commands are case sensitive. PASSWORD is the initial
ship default password value. The command delimiter is a Line Feed (hex 0A) with Carriage
Return (hex 0D) being optional. Spaces are required as shown. The ENTER LANGUAGE
command is optional but recommended. The command should also end with a LF (hex 0A).
At this time all secured resources including any resources that are customer unique in FLASH
are unlocked and available to PCL.
The password value is limited to no more than 8 alphanumeric case sensitive characters.
PJL Re-Lock Sequence
Sent after PCL, this sequence re-locks the resources with no change in the password value.
The PJL syntax of LDELETEPASSWORD is not the password. The command sequence
terminates with the UEL command (Universal Exit Language). This is optional but