2 snmp, Snmp – Sony XCI-SX1 User Manual
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XCI-SX1 SDK / SDK Technical Manual
- changes directory to source directory of PHP (/usr/src)
./configure -–with-apache=/usr/src/apache_1.3.31
- runs configuration script of PHP with Apache support
5. make
- builds PHP source codes
6. make install
- installs required files to their proper locations
7. cd /usr/src/apache_1.3.31
- changes directory back to Apache source directory
./configure -–activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
- Reconfigures Apache with PHP support
9. make
- creates Apache binary files
10. make install
- installs required files to proper locations
The Apache root directory is located in /usr/local/apache. To start
the Apache web server, run /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd.
2.6.2 SNMP
The role of a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Service on
any computer-based product is to provide a means of remote network
management without having the need to log into the target system.
Additional system monitoring features such system event notifications,
and the like, is also made possible by means of an SNMP service.
On the SmartCam project, the Net-SNMP package (
provide an additional means to determine the product’s network settings.
The Net-SNMP package is installed in /usr/src directory. The steps
below show how to install the said service:
- configures the build options