2 kernel compilation, 3 kernel installation, Kernel compilation – Sony XCI-SX1 User Manual

Page 10: Kernel installation

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XCI-SX1 SDK / SDK Technical Manual


Required file system support for mass storage

SCSI support

Required support for mass storage devices

NFS support

Required support to enable the system to be
accessed through NFS mount

Big Physical Area support

Used by the camera driver to reserve large
memory area at boot time

To apply the following configurations, go to /usr/src/linux and run
make menuconfig

and start going through the options. After all the

configurations are set, exit from the configuration and make sure to save
the changes made. The .config file is now updated and contains the
new configurations made.

The pre-configured .config files are stored in the SDK

, with which you can start

kernel configuration. The normal/.config is used for SDK kernel. Just
copy .config file to /usr/src/linux then proceed make

2.2.2 Kernel Compilation

Run make dep in order to generate dependency information and cause
various build magic to occur. Occasionally, cleaning up the sources
before building from scratch is advisable. Run make clean to delete all
previously created object files. To build a compressed and ready to be
installed kernel image, run make bzImage. This command creates the

file in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/. Lastly, run

‘make modules’ to build the various components chosen to be built as
modules in the previous section.

2.2.3 Kernel Installation

If kernel compilation is successful, the built kernel is now ready to be
installed. Please copy bzImage to directory grub bootloader specify
(Refer to UM_SDK.pdf document). In the 2GB CF SDK itself, the kernel
is installed in /boot

directory (Refer to /boot,

