Sony DVS-V3232B/V3232M User Manual
Page 81

5-1. Setting Items of the Primary Station
(4094 REMAIN)
0001 GPHA001
LEVEL: 1=VID 2=A1 3=A2 4=4
5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8
OUT001 .... .... .... .... OUT002 .... .... .... .... OUT003 .... .... .... .... OUT004 .... .... .... .... OUT005 5 .... .... .... OUT006 5 6 .... .... OUT007 5 6 7 .... OUT008 5 6 7 8 OUT009 .... .... .... .... OUT010 .... .... .... .... OUT011 .... .... .... .... OUT012 .... .... .... .... OUT013 .... .... .... .... OUT014 .... .... .... .... OUT015 .... .... .... .... OUT016 5 .... 7 8 0=IN 1=OUT 2=.... 3=.... 4=.... 5=.... 6=.... 7=.... 8=.... 9=.... A=.... B=.... C=.... D=.... E=.... F= GPHA F1:SEARCH F2:ADD F3:DELETE F4:DstLvl Ctrl-E:RETURN TO LAST MENU 3. As the cursor is placed where the name is typed, press 4. Select the codes assigned to each type name and enter any number using the cursor. Press [Enter] key to set _ [P] to delete the phantom name. 5. Move the cursor to the place to input the destination 6. Input the destination name with the alphabet or 7. Input the source name in the same way as 8. Set the crosspoint level. Move the cursor to changed. _ [E]. The menu will return. Example of Global Phantom Edit Screen Operating Function Keys [F1] : SEARCH (To move the cursor to any source name or destination name) n mode, [F1] (SEARCH) will have the following 1. When [F1] is pressed, “Please Input NAME =” 2. Enter the Description name (within seven 3. When [Enter] is pressed, the Description name 4. If the desired name does not exist in the screen, [F2] : ADD (To add the row of crosspoints to be regis- tered as the global phantom) [F3] : DELETE (To delete the crosspoints) 1. Select the destination name to be deleted using 2. Press [F3]. [F4] : Dstlvl (To change the level of the crosspoint at the cursor to the level set at the menu item [E]) 1. Select the destination name to be returned to the 2. Press [F4]. n destination and source names displayed on the global
[Enter]. The input mode will be set.
it. Press [Ctrl]
and press [Enter]. The input mode will be set.
numerical keys and press [Enter] to set it.
setting the destination name and press [Enter].
desired level and press [Enter]. The setting will be
Press [Ctrl]
(Global Phantom Edit Display)
When menu item [J] is set to the Description name
will be displayed.
characters) from the head.
entered will be searched.
press [F1] again.
the cursor.
initial level using the cursor.
When the name mode of menu item [J] is switched, the
phantom edit screen will change.