Recording the rhythm, Specifying the tempo, Recording your performance while you listen to – Strahl D1600mkII User Manual

Page 80: The rhythm, Empo map. (→p.72), Recording the rhythm” (→p.72), P.72)

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Selecting the rhythm pattern

Select “SelRhythm,” and rotate the [VALUE] dial to
select the rhythm pattern that you wish to use.

You can also press the “ ” button, and select
from a list.

2. Recording your performance

while you listen to the rhythm

You can record your performance while listening to the
built-in rhythm as a guide.
1. Make settings as described in “1. Specifying and

playing a rhythm.”
Turn “Rhythm” “On.”
Make other settings as necessary.

2. Connect your input device, and begin recording.

Refer to “1. Analog inputs” and “1. Adjust the record-
ing level, and record” (
→p.36, 39).
When you press the [REC] key to enter record-ready
mode, the rhythm will begin sounding. Recording
will begin when you press the [PLAY] key. You will
hear the selected rhythm pattern. Begin performing,
using the rhythm as a guide.

3. Recording the rhythm

Built-in rhythm patterns can be recorded on a track.

As an example, here’s how the rhythm pattern can be re-
corded on mixer channels 1 and 2.
1. Make settings as described in “1. Specifying and

playing a rhythm.”
Turn “Rhythm” “Off.”

If this is turned on, the sound will be output in
duplicate to the track and also to the master LR

To set the volume, use the mixer channel that you are
inputting. Since “RhythmVol (Vol)” adjusts the send
volume to the master LR bus, you do not need to set
Make other settings as necessary.

2. Specify the input channels.

Select the [INPUT/TUNER] “Ch1–8” tab page.
Select the “Ch1” icon, and rotate the [VALUE] dial to
select “Rhythm L.” In the same way, set “Ch2” to
Rhythm R.”

3. Check the record mode.

Select the [RECORD] “RecMode” tab page.
Select “Input” (= record the input).

4. Specify the recording tracks.

Press [TRACK STATUS] keys for tracks 1 and 2 to set
them to REC (LED lit red).

5. Adjust the recording level, and record.

Use the [CHANNEL] faders of tracks 1 and 2 to
adjust the level appropriately.

4. Specifying the tempo

As an alternative to playing your entire song at the same
tempo, you can make the tempo change during the song,
or synchronize the tempo to an external MIDI device.

Choose one of the following tempo sources to control the
tempo of the song.

Manual tempo: when the tempo is the same for the

entire song

Tempo map: when you want the tempo to change dur-

ing the song

Tempo track: when you want to use the tempo

recorded from MIDI Clock or Tap Tempo

The tempo source is set by the [TEMPO/RHYTHM]
“SetUp” tab page “TempoSource” setting.

Here’s how to use each type of tempo setting.

Manual tempo

When you use manual tempo, the song will play back
according to the “Tempo” (tempo), “Beat” (time
signature), and “SelRhythm” (rhythm pattern) settings;
the tempo etc. will not change during the song.

Set the tempo source to Manual.
Access the [TEMPO/RHYTHM] “SetUp” tab page.
Select “TempoSource,” and turn the [VALUE] dial to
choose “Manual.”
For details on “Tempo,” “Beat,” and “SelRhythm”
settings, refer to “1. Specifying and playing a
rhythm” (→p.71).

Tempo map

The tempo map lets you specify tempo, time signature,
and rhythm pattern for each measure so that these will
change at the specified measure within the song.
1. Set the tempo source to Tempo Map.

Access the [TEMPO/RHYTHM] “SetUp” tab page.
Select “TempoSource,” and turn the [VALUE] dial to
choose “TempoMap.”

2. Make settings for the first tempo map event “001,”

which specifies the initial tempo at the beginning of
the song.

The tempo map for a song consists of tempo map
event “001” which specifies the initial tempo at
the beginning of the song, and tempo map events
“002”–“200” which you can specify to change the
tempo etc. at measures within the song.

SelRhythm Tempo Beat
