Dynamics dy1 – dy7, Category: dynamics-type effects, Mo5: st.tremolo – Strahl D1600mkII User Manual
Page 148: Mo6: st.auto pan, Mo7: ensemble, Dy2: st.limiter

18: MO5: St.Tremolo
(Stereo Tremolo)
This effect modulates the volume level of the input signal. The
effect is stereo, and offsetting the LFO of the left and right
phases from each other produces a tremolo effect between left
and right.
: LFO Waveform
This parameter selects the LFO waveform. “Vintage” wave simu-
lates the characteristics of the tremolo created on a guitar amplifier.
Combining this effect with the Amp Simulation will make a realistic,
vintage tremolo amplifier sound.
: LFO Phase [degree]
This parameter determines the difference between the left and right
LFO phases. A higher value will simulate the auto-pan effect in
which the sound is panned between left and right.
19: MO6: St.Auto Pan
(Stereo Auto Pan)
This Auto Pan effect pans sound between left and right. It is ste-
reo, and shifting the left and right LFO phases from each other
will simulate the sound of the left and right channels crossing
over each other by turns, or chasing each other.
: LFO Shape
You can change the panning curve by modifying the LFO waveform.
: LFO Phase
This parameter determines the difference in the left and right LFO
phases. When you change the value gradually from “0,” the sound
from the left and right channels will chase each other around. If you
set the parameter to“ +180” or “–180,” the sound from each channel
will cross over each other. You need to input different sounds to each
channel in order for this parameter to be effective.
20: MO7: Ensemble
This Ensemble effect has three chorus blocks that use LFO to cre-
ate subtle shimmering, and gives three dimensional depth and
spread to the sound, because the signal is output from the left,
right, and center.
: Shimmer
This parameter sets the amount of shimmering of the LFO wave-
form. Increasing this value adds more shimmering, making the cho-
rus effect more complex and richer.
Dynamics DY1 – DY7
Category: Dynamics-type effects
21: DY1: St.Compressor
(Stereo Compressor)
This effect compresses the input signal to regulate the level and
give a “punchy” effect. It is useful for guitar, piano, and drum
sounds. This is a stereo compressor. You can link left and right
channels, or use each channel separately.
: Envelope Select
This parameter selects whether the left and right channels are linked
to control both signals simultaneously, or whether each channel is
controlled independently.
: Sensitivity, : Output Level
The “Sensitivity” parameter sets the sensitivity of the compressor. If
this parameter is set to a higher value, lower level sounds will be
boosted. With a higher Sensitivity, the overall volume level is higher.
To adjust the final volume level, use the “Output Level” parameter.
: Attack
Controls the strength of the attack that is characteristic of a compres-
22: DY2: St.Limiter
(Stereo Limiter)
The Limiter regulates the input signal level. It is similar to the
Compressor, except that the Limiter compresses only signals
that exceed the specified level to lower unnecessary peak sig-
nals. The Limiter applies a peaking-type EQ to the trigger signal
(which controls the degree of the Limiter effect), allowing you to
set any band width to be covered. This effect is a stereo limiter.
You can link left and right channels, or use each channel indi-
LFO (LFO Waveform) ........TRI, SIN, Vintage,
Up, Down
Selects LFO Waveform
Shape (LFO Shape) ....................–100...+100 Determines how much the LFO wave-
form is changed
Phase (LFO Phase [degree]).......–180...+180 Sets the LFO phase difference between
the left and right
*Speed (LFO Frequency [Hz]).........0.02...20.0 Sets the LFO speed
*Depth (Depth) ......................................0...100 Sets the depth of LFO modulation
Mix (Wet/Dry)................. Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet Sets the balance between the effect and
dry sounds
LFO (LFO Waveform) .......................TRI, SIN Selects LFO Waveform
Shape (LFO Shape) ....................–100...+100 Determines how much the LFO wave-
form is changed
Phase (LFO Phase [degree]).......–180...+180 Sets the LFO phase difference between
the left and right
*Speed (LFO Frequency [Hz]).........0.02...20.0 Sets the LFO speed
*Depth (Depth) ......................................0...100 Sets the depth of LFO modulation
Mix (Wet/Dry)................. Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet Sets the balance between the effect and
dry sounds
*Speed (Speed).....................................1...100 Sets the LFO speed
*Depth (Depth) ......................................0...100 Sets the depth of LFO modulation
Shimmr (Shimmer) ..............................0...100 Sets the amount of shimmering of the
LFO waveform
Mix (Wet/Dry)................. Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet Sets the balance between the effect and
dry sounds
Envelp (Envelope Select) ......... L/RMix, Indivi Determines whether the left and right
channels are linked or used separately
Sens (Sensitivity).................................1...100 Sets the sensitivity
Attack (Attack) .....................................1...100 Sets the attack level
EQTrim (EQ Trim) ................................0...100 Sets the EQ input level
LEQG (Pre LEQ Gain [dB]) .......–15.0...+15.0 Sets the gain of Low EQ
HEQG (Pre HEQ Gain [dB]) ......–15.0...+15.0 Sets the gain of High EQ
Level (Output Level) ............................0...100 Sets the output level of the compressor
Mix (Wet/Dry) ................ Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet Sets the balance between the effect and
dry sounds
Envelp (Envelope Select) .......L/RMix, L Only,
R Only, Indivi
Selects from linking both channels, con-
trolling only from left channel, only from
the right channel, or controlling each
channel individually
Ratio (Ratio) .....................1.0:1...50.0:1, Inf:1 Sets the signal compression ratio
Thrshl (Threshold [dB])........................–40...0 Sets the level above which the compres-
sor is applied
Attack (Attack) .....................................1...100 Sets the attack time
Relse (Release)...................................1...100 Sets the release time
GLevel (Gain Adjust [dB])........–Inf, –38...+24 Sets the output gain
SPEQ (Side PEQ Insert) .................... Off, On Toggles between on/off of the trigger sig-
nal’s EQ
Triggr (Trigger Monitor) ....................... Off, On Switches between effect output monitor
and trigger signal monitor
Mix (Wet/Dry) ................ Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet Sets the balance between the effect and
dry sounds
Fc (Side PEQ Cutoff [Hz]) .............. 20...12.0k Sets the EQ center frequency for the trig-
ger signal
Q (Q) ...............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the EQ bandwidth for the trigger
Gain (Gain [dB]) ........................–18.0...+18.0 Sets the EQ gain for the trigger signal